Heritage in Burwood

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Burwood has a rich and diverse history and heritage in the form of buildings, structures and places that play an important role in our community and enhance our local character by providing a connection to the past.

Owners Factsheet - Heritage Properties - Alterations and Additions(PDF, 6MB)

Why list a Heritage Item?

Council seeks to protect significant items through having them listed in Schedule 5 of the Burwood Local Environmental Plan 2012

Heritage Listing an item provides additional controls to ensure that the unique character and history of an item is preserved.

Where can I find out more about a Heritage Item?

A Heritage Item can be a building, work, place, artefact, tree, object or archaeological site.

There are two common types of heritage items within the Burwood LGA:

  1. A locally listed item which has particular heritage value to the Burwood area
  2. State listed item which has regional or state wide significance.

Information about Heritage Items can be found within the State Heritage Inventory, which includes a description of a property or item.

Heritage Conservation Areas (HCAs)

A Heritage Conservation Area (HCA) is a precinct, streetscape, suburb or group of buildings that has particular heritage values that give it a distinct identity worthy of preserving.

Council seeks to protect significant items through their listing as Heritage Conservation Areas that are listed in Schedule 5 of the Burwood Local Environmental Plan 2012

The Burwood Development Control Plan (DCP) contains information and descriptions of HCAs in the Burwood Area. In addition to guidelines relating to new development within a Heritage Conservation Area.

Further information about Heritage Conservation Areas can be found within the State Heritage Inventory.

Minor Heritage Works - Exemptions

Doing work to a Heritage Listed Item or Property in a Heritage Conservation Area?

Early engagement with Burwood Council can assist in ensuring that your project is consistent with our Heritage controls and expected outcomes. 

Exemption from requiring Development Consent – Minor Heritage Works

You may not need development consent (DA approval) if the work does not affect the heritage significance of a building, structure or place.

Clause 5.10(3) of Burwood LEP outlines what work may be carried out to heritage properties or properties within Heritage Conservation Areas without development consent. These include:

  • Replacing roof cladding, like for like. Changing the roof cladding to a different material will need a DA
  • Re-painting with the same colours. Altering the existing colour scheme will require a paint schedule to be submitted with the application.
  • Replacing the front or boundary fence like-for-like (eg replacing an existing timber paling fence with a new timber paling fence
  • Replacing existing damaged doors and windows like-for-like
  • Minor non-structural works, where the works are like-for-like or similar

The DA Exemption - Minor Heritage Works form(PDF, 200KB) must be submitted to Council for approval of minor heritage work. Please note there is a DA fee of $250.

If your request is approved, you will receive written confirmation that your works do not need consent.

The works must not commence until you receive this written confirmation.

Additional Resources

Heritage Paint Scheme Factsheet(PDF, 557KB)

Owners Factsheet - Heritage Properties - Alterations and Additions(PDF, 6MB)

Hoardings on Heritage items and in HCAs

Council has an approved a Hoarding Policy  that includes requirements for hoardings on sites where there is a heritage item or within Heritage Conservation Areas. 

For works associated with heritage items or within Heritage Conservation Areas, Council will require as a condition of consent, that historic images of the building or local streetscape or photographs from the Council’s image bank be used as the graphic display.

Installation of Solar Panels in Heritage Conservation Areas

Council also encourages a sustainable and energy efficient future, including the installation of solar panels. While our sensitive Heritage Conservation Areas (HCA) preserve the character from the past, Council encourages the use of solar panels, provided they are appropriately located to minimise impact on heritage properties and streetscapes.

Do I need to lodge a DA to install solar panels on my house within a HCA?

In many cases, provided you locate the solar panels on areas of your house that have minimal visibility, than you may not need to lodge a formal Development Application. You will however require a Minor Works Exemption from Council.

Where can I locate solar panels on my dwelling in a HCA?

Installation of solar panels within a HCA may be granted an exemption provided they are located to the rear of the dwelling or on areas of the roof which are either:

  • not part of the primary street facing roof
  • have minimal visibility from the street

Primary street facing roofs are roof planes (and parts of roof planes) that are visible from the primary street, have a slope of more than 15 degrees and are in front of the main ridge of the roof.

Exemptions will not be granted where:

  • works require external structural alterations
  • works that require removal of design elements such as chimneys, capping, parapet walls etc.
  • panels project above the roof. For example those which are propped up at a higher angle than the roof or those that extend higher than the roof ridge do not qualify for an exemption.

How to I apply for a Minor Works Exemption?

Complete the DA Exemption – Minor Heritage Works form which is available on Councils website and email to council@burwood.nsw.gov.au.

Solar panel installations that are inconsistent with the above requirements will require the lodgement of a development application.

If you have questions regarding installation of solar panels or the completion of the DA Exemption form, please contact Councils Heritage Advisor on 02 9911 9877.