The Multicultural Advisory Committee (MAC) has been established primarily to provide community views to Council in relation to matters that may have an impact on the multicultural community in the Burwood Local Government Area (LGA) and to enable the dissemination of relevant information to local multicultural communities.
The Committee will have the following functions:
- Raise emerging issues associated with multicultural needs in the Burwood LGA and recommend goals and actions.
- Provide informed and timely advice on Council matters relating to multicultural communities in the Burwood LGA.
- Actively participate in the development of Council’s multicultural programs and policies.
- Monitor the implementation of Council’s Multicultural Strategy (or equivalent).
- Provide a two way mechanism for communication between Council and the multicultural communities in Burwood LGA regarding relevant information.
In accordance with the Burwood2030 Community Strategic Plan the MAC is an important mechanism for consultation, advice and feedback on inclusivity and diversity.
Chairperson and Committee Members
Membership is limited to the representatives listed below:
- The Mayor or other appointed Councillor will represent Council as Chairperson.
- Four community representatives and up to two alternative representatives will be appointed for a two year term or until a Council election. If after the expiry of a two year term there remains a gap to the next Council election, Council may reappoint a member to the committee until the election falls due, subject to the member performing their role in a satisfactory manner.
- Community representatives will come from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background, preferably in a leadership role representing one of the main language groups in Burwood LGA.
Membership can be altered at any time by resolution of Council.
Nominations for community representative positions on the committee will be invited at a minimum through Council’s website.
Selection Criteria
Applications will be assessed in accordance with the selection criteria below (adapted from Community Advisory Committees Procedure for Selection of Community Representatives).
Applicants must:
1. Reside, work (in a paid or voluntary capacity) or have an interest in the Burwood LGA and represent a CALD community, preferably representing one of the main language groups in a leadership role.
2. Demonstrate a high level of understanding, interest, experience and/or expertise in multicultural issues in the Burwood LGA.
3. Be available to attend meetings and demonstrate a willingness to volunteer time to work on issues.
4. Participate in relevant working parties.
5. Undertake to provide feedback to the sector of the community represented.
6. Be willing to work within the Committee Terms of Reference.
Representatives of political parties are excluded.
Recommendations for appointment to the Committee will be submitted to Council for approval. The Committee does not have the authority to co-opt anyone else to its membership without the approval of Council.
Committee Proceedings
a. Meetings shall be held at least bi-monthly.
b. Meeting agendas shall be compiled by Executive Assistant to the Mayor listing all items of business and must be issued to the Committee Members at least five working days prior to the scheduled meeting date.
c. Meetings shall be held at Council Offices or another location approved by the Chairperson.
d. Meetings will not proceed unless the Chairperson and at least two of the community representatives are in attendance within 30 minutes of the scheduled start time.
e. Apologies must be given in advance for non-attendance. Where three consecutive absences have occurred, the General Manager can recommend to Council that a Committee Member’s membership be cancelled.
f. Recommendations at meetings will be arrived at by way of consensus.
g. Committee meetings shall be conducted in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect, and members must adhere to Council’s Code of Conduct (to be circulated).
h. Council’s Community Development Coordinator will attend the Committee in a support role.
i. Other Council officers will attend as required.
j. Technical experts and specialists may be invited to attend meetings by consensus of the Committee to provide advice when required.
k. Senior representatives from local multicultural community services may also be invited to participate on the Committee from time to time.
Minutes of the meetings will be taken by the Executive Assistant to the Mayor, who will attend meetings as a non-Committee member. Minutes are to be submitted to the first available ordinary Council Meeting for review and approval.
The Terms of Reference will be reviewed every four years.