Council Committees

The Committee at its first meeting held after endorsement of Council shall prepare a Schedule of Committee Meetings for a one year period.

Notice of a meeting of a committee shall be sent to each member of the committee no later than three (3) days before the meeting, subject to 2 days’ notice being given of a meeting called in an emergency. A notice of a meeting of a committee must include an agenda listing the items to be discussed at the meeting.

Failure to receive a notice on the part of any member of a committee shall not affect the validity of any meeting of the committee.

Additional information on Burwood Council's Mayor and Councillors and Councillor Representation on Committees.  



The role of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) is to provide independent assurance to Burwood Council. This is done by monitoring, reviewing and providing advice about the Burwood Council’s governance processes, compliance, risk management and control frameworks, external accountability obligations and overall performance. The ARIC also provides recommendations to Council for the purpose of improving the performance of Council's functions. 


ARIC members are appointed by Council under section 428A of the Local Government Act 1993 and in accordance with a Charter approved by Council. The ARIC may:

  1. have access to Council resources and information necessary to fulfil its role
  2. have direct and unrestricted access to the General Manager and senior managers of the council
  3. seek the General Manager’s permission to meet with any other Council officers i.e. employees and delegates (including volunteers, consultants, contractors or any other service provider involved in exercising a council function)
  4. discuss any matters with the external auditor or other external parties
  5. request the attendance of any employee or delegate at committee meetings, and
  6. obtain external legal or other professional advice in accordance with prevailing corporate practices and budgetary arrangements of council. 


Members (voting)

  • one independent external member (chair)*
  • two independent external members*

    *who meet independence, eligibility and qualification requirements

Members (non voting)

  • one councillor  

Other attendees (non-voting)

  • General Manager or nominee
  • Director Corporate Services
  • Manager Governance & Risk
  • Chief Finance Officer
  • Representative of the external auditor
  • Representative of the contracted internal auditor (when required)


Where and when meetings are held

The Committee shall meet at least five times a year, with one of those meetings dedicated to the review and endorsement of the annual audited financial reports and external audit opinion. 

The Burwood 150 Years Anniversary Steering Committee has been established to provide a forum for Council to engage with and obtain feedback from the community to support the planning and delivery of the Burwood 150 Years Anniversary Program to take place in 2024.

The purpose of the Committee is to:

  • Act as an advisory body to Council by providing input and advice on celebratory ideas, projects and festivities to mark the anniversary and inform Council funding allocations for these future initiatives.  
  • Actively collaborate in the planning and delivery of the Burwood 150 Years Anniversary Program and associated activities.
  • Monitor the implementation of activities rolled out to acknowledge and celebrate Burwood’s 150 Years Anniversary.

At the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 8 December 2020, Council adopted the Terms of Reference for the Burwood 150 Years Anniversary Steering Committee and the community representatives recommended for membership on the Committee.

View the Terms of Reference for the Burwood 150 Years Anniversary Steering Committee(PDF, 553KB) .




This Committee is not a formal Committee of Council.  The Committee comprises of representatives of the local RSL Sub-Branches and its role is to coordinate the annual Anzac Commemorative Service in Burwood Park on the Sunday prior to Anzac Day.


Traditionally, the Mayor has been the patron of the Committee.  Council contributes part of the cost of the annual service.  The other service clubs in the area contribute to an amount equal to the amount that council contributes.


The Mayor is the patron of the Committee (Chair) and one Councillor.

Where and when meetings are held

Meetings are held at the Burwood RSL Club.  There are approximately four meetings per year.




To review the provision of traffic control facilities and traffic management measures on public streets in the Burwood Local Government Area.


The Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) has delegated certain powers to Council in respect of the provision of traffic control facilities and traffic management measures on public streets.  The exercise of the powers is conditional upon councils forming a “Local Traffic Committee” and seeking its advice/approval before a traffic control facility/traffic management measure is implemented or removed.

Recommendations from this committee must be endorsed by Council prior to implementation.


The Committee is made up of one Councillor (being the Chair) and representatives from the RMS Police Force, Local State Members of Parliament and other informal members (at Council’s discretion).

When and Where meeting are held

Meetings are held at Burwood Council on a monthly basis.




The Multicultural Advisory Committee (MAC) has been established primarily to provide community views to Council in relation to matters that may have an impact on the multicultural community in the Burwood Local Government Area (LGA) and to enable the dissemination of relevant information to local multicultural communities.

The Committee will have the following functions:

  • Raise emerging issues associated with multicultural needs in the Burwood LGA and recommend goals and actions.
  • Provide informed and timely advice on Council matters relating to multicultural communities in the Burwood LGA.
  • Actively participate in the development of Council’s multicultural programs and policies.
  • Monitor the implementation of Council’s Multicultural Strategy (or equivalent).
  • Provide a two way mechanism for communication between Council and the multicultural communities in Burwood LGA regarding relevant information.

In accordance with the Burwood2030 Community Strategic Plan the MAC is an important mechanism for consultation, advice and feedback on inclusivity and diversity.

Chairperson and Committee Members

Membership is limited to the representatives listed below:

  • The Mayor or other appointed Councillor will represent Council as Chairperson.
  • Four community representatives and up to two alternative representatives will be appointed for a two year term or until a Council election. If after the expiry of a two year term there remains a gap to the next Council election, Council may reappoint a member to the committee until the election falls due, subject to the member performing their role in a satisfactory manner.
  • Community representatives will come from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background, preferably in a leadership role representing one of the main language groups in Burwood LGA.

Membership can be altered at any time by resolution of Council.


Nominations for community representative positions on the committee will be invited at a minimum through Council’s website.

Selection Criteria

Applications will be assessed in accordance with the selection criteria below (adapted from Community Advisory Committees Procedure for Selection of Community Representatives).

Applicants must:

1. Reside, work (in a paid or voluntary capacity) or have an interest in the Burwood LGA and represent a CALD community, preferably representing one of the main language groups in a leadership role.

2. Demonstrate a high level of understanding, interest, experience and/or expertise in multicultural issues in the Burwood LGA.

3. Be available to attend meetings and demonstrate a willingness to volunteer time to work on issues.

4. Participate in relevant working parties.

5. Undertake to provide feedback to the sector of the community represented.

6. Be willing to work within the Committee Terms of Reference.

Representatives of political parties are excluded.

Recommendations for appointment to the Committee will be submitted to Council for approval. The Committee does not have the authority to co-opt anyone else to its membership without the approval of Council.

Committee Proceedings

a. Meetings shall be held at least bi-monthly.

b. Meeting agendas shall be compiled by Executive Assistant to the Mayor listing all items of business and must be issued to the Committee Members at least five working days prior to the scheduled meeting date.

c. Meetings shall be held at Council Offices or another location approved by the Chairperson.

d. Meetings will not proceed unless the Chairperson and at least two of the community representatives are in attendance within 30 minutes of the scheduled start time.

e. Apologies must be given in advance for non-attendance. Where three consecutive absences have occurred, the General Manager can recommend to Council that a Committee Member’s membership be cancelled.

f. Recommendations at meetings will be arrived at by way of consensus.

g. Committee meetings shall be conducted in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect, and members must adhere to Council’s Code of Conduct (to be circulated).

h. Council’s Community Development Coordinator will attend the Committee in a support role.

i. Other Council officers will attend as required.

j. Technical experts and specialists may be invited to attend meetings by consensus of the Committee to provide advice when required.

k. Senior representatives from local multicultural community services may also be invited to participate on the Committee from time to time.


Minutes of the meetings will be taken by the Executive Assistant to the Mayor, who will attend meetings as a non-Committee member. Minutes are to be submitted to the first available ordinary Council Meeting for review and approval.


The Terms of Reference will be reviewed every four years.




To co-ordinate the National Serviceman’s Association events in Burwood Park in June and August each year.


No formal authority – advisory committee only.  It was Councils’ decision to form this committee.  The Committee operates under a ‘Terms of Reference’.  Recommendations from the Committee must be endorsed by council prior to implementation.


Two Councillors.

Where and when meetings are held

Meetings are held at Burwood Council, approximately three months prior to the events and additional meetings as determined by the Chairperson.




This Committee was formed to educate the community about the battle of Sandakan and the Australian Servicemen who died at Sandakan-Ranau.  The Sydney region Sandakan Memorial site is located in Burwood Park.  The main function of the Committee has been to organise an annual Sandakan Remembrance Service.


No formal authority – advisory committee only.  It was Councils’ decision to form this committee.  The Committee operates under a ‘Terms of Reference’.  Recommendations from the Committee must be endorsed by council prior to implementation.


The Chair and one alternate Councillor.

Where and when meetings are held

Meetings are held at Burwood Council, generally on a two monthly basis.



The Sustainable Burwood Strategy provides a framework for sustainable planning and decision making to achieve and improve on positive environmental sustainability outcomes for the Burwood Local Government Area. The Strategy provides a Vision, supported by a series of Actions, focused around four key themes:

Theme 1: Natural Environment
Theme 2: Built future of Burwood
Theme 3: Being connected and resilient
Theme 4: Leading Burwood

The Sustainability & Environment Advisory Committee (referred to as SEAC) has been established to work in partnership with Council to provide input and participate in the delivery of sustainability and environmental initiatives to deliver on the Vision, as well as providing a voice for the community on sustainability and environmental initiatives.


The Committee has the following functions:

  • Actively participate in the development of programs and initiatives to achieve the priorities and targets outlined in the Sustainable Burwood strategy.
  • Provide two-way communication between Council and the community on sustainability and environmental matters
  • Promote and raise awareness of sustainability and environmental issues in the community


  • Membership of the SEAC is as follows:
  • Mayor of Burwood Council (Chair of the Committee)
  • Deputy Mayor of Burwood Council
  • One (1) Councillor representative
  • Four (4) community representatives, nominated via an Expression of Interest
  • One (1) student representative (university or senior high school student), nominated via an Expression of Interest
  • An Alternate Councillor is nominated by Council to participate in the absence of any of the Councillor members.

The SEAC will be supported by relevant Council staff, including the Manager City Planning, Sustainability & Resilience Officer and any other Council staff as required.

Members of the SEAC will be appointed for the term of the current Council (up to September 2024). Should the term of the current Council be extended then Council may reappoint a member to the committee until the election falls due, subject to the member performing their role in a satisfactory manner.

Membership of the SEAC can be altered at any time by resolution of Council.


Nominations for community and student representative positions are to be undertaken via an Expression of Interest, which will be advertised for a minimum 14-day period on Burwood Council’s website.

Nominations must be made in writing via Council’s Expression of Interest form and must detail your skills and experience and reasons for applying to be a member of the Committee.

Membership to the Committee will be on a voluntary basis.

Representatives of political parties are excluded.

Selection Criteria

Expressions of Interest will be assessed in accordance with the selection criteria below.

Applicants must:

  1. Reside, work (in a paid or voluntary capacity) or have an interest in the Burwood Local Government Area (LGA).
  2. Demonstrate a high level of understanding, interest, experience and/or expertise in environmental and/or sustainability issues.
  3. Be available to attend meetings and demonstrate a willingness to volunteer time to actively participate and engage on issues.
  4. Undertake to provide feedback to the community.
  5. Be willing to work within the Committee Terms of Reference.

Selection of the members of the Committee will be undertaken by a Selection Panel, made up of the Mayor, Director City Planning, Manager City Planning and the Sustainability & Resilience Officer; and Recommendations for appointment to the Committee will be endorsed by Council

The Committee does not have the authority to co-opt anyone else to its membership without the approval of Council.

Committee Proceedings

  • Meetings will be held bi-monthly.
  • Meeting agendas shall be compiled by Executive Assistant to the Mayor listing all items of business and must be issued to the Committee Members at least five working days prior to the scheduled meeting date.
  • Meetings shall be held at Council Offices or another location approved by the Chairperson.
  • Meetings will not proceed unless the Chairperson and at least two of the community representatives are in attendance within 30 minutes of the scheduled start time.
  • Apologies must be given in advance for non-attendance. Where three consecutive absences have occurred, the General Manager can recommend to Council that a Committee Member’s membership be cancelled.
  • Recommendations at meetings will be arrived at by way of consensus.
  • Committee meetings shall be conducted in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect, and members must adhere to Council’s Code of Conduct (to be circulated).
  • Other Council officers will attend as required.
  • Technical experts and specialists may be invited to attend meetings by consensus of the Committee to provide advice when required.


Minutes of the meetings will be taken by the Executive Assistant to the Mayor, or alternative, who will attend meetings as a non-Committee member. Minutes are to be submitted to the first available ordinary Council Meeting for review and approval.

The Terms of Reference will be reviewed within 3 years or upon the election of a new Council, whichever happens first.