Tenders are invited for the provision of cleaning services for Council’s facilities and amenities.
Council will enter into a Contract, by way of a Service Level Agreement, with the successful tenderer/s for a period of 2 years plus an option to extend at Council’s discretion.
Cleaning services to be carried out are broken into Five (5) groups:
- Administration & Library
- Community Facilities
- Operations Centre
- Aquatic Centre
- Park Amenities
Council’s intention is to appoint one contractor per Group. Tenderers may apply to provide the Cleaning Services for one or more Groups. However, Council may appoint one Tenderer for all Groups.
This Agreement is expected to commence on 1 July 2023 and will conclude on 30 June 2025 (24 months). The Principal may extend this Agreement for an additional period of 2 x 12 month options.
COMPULSORY PRE-TENDER MEETING: Tenderers are required to attend a compulsory Pre-Tender meeting on Monday 22 May 2023 followed by site visits commencing 9.00am at Burwood Council, 2 Conder street, Burwood NSW 2134. Organisations must register their attendance with the Key Account Manager by 12:00 Midday, Friday 19 May 2023. Attendees are limited to a maximum of two (2) persons per organisation.
Note: Tenders will only be accepted from those companies represented at this meeting.
Tenderers must comply with all the requirements of the specification and must satisfy Council's requested time frames.
INVITATION: Any person/company willing to fulfil the requirements of the proposed contract is invited to submit a tender to Regional Procurement via the Tenderlink Electronic Tender Box (Tenderlink) before the deadline at 10.00 am on Friday 2 June 2023.
Tenderers must ensure they follow the Instructions and Lodgement Method in the Invitation to Tender document. Responsibility for lodgement of completed tender documents by the deadline lies solely with the Tenderer. Tenderers are advised that Council is not bound to accept the lowest Tender or any Tender submitted.
DOCUMENTS: Applicable tender documents can be downloaded via Tenderlink until the submission close date for a non-refundable fee of $50 including GST.
ENQUIRIES: All enquiries are to be directed to the TenderLink Forum applicable to this Tender. General enquiries may be made to Michael Lowe, Key Account Manager, Regional Procurement on 0409 490 403 or michaell@regpro.com.au