Apply for a certificate online

Applications for certificates close 6:00 pm Monday to Friday.

Payments received will be receipted the next business day. All non-urgent certificates will be sent within 7 business days.

Apply for a certificate

See Council's Privacy Statement


Please note that a credit card transaction fee of 0.5% applies.

Section 603  $100.00 - 603 Rating Certificate 
Urgent Section 603 $326.00 - 603 Urgent Rating Certificate 
Section 10.7(2) $69.00 - 10.7(2) Planning Certificate 
Urgent Section 10.7(2)  $239.00 - 10.7(2) Planning Certificate 
Section 10.7(2) and (5)  $174.00 - 10.7(2) and (5) Planning Certificate 
Urgent Section 10.7 (2)&(5)        $344.00 - 10.7(2) and (5) Urgent Planning Certificate
Section 735A and 121ZP  $67.00 - 735A and 121ZP Outstanding Notices or Orders   
Section 88G $43.00 - 88G Certificate (includes inspection) 


Cancellation fee

A cancellation fee of $25.00 applies to certificate transactions.