Burwood North Precinct Masterplan

Burwood Council has prepared a draft Masterplan for the Burwood North Precinct, building upon the work undertaken as part of the Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Strategy (PRCUTS) and which seeks to capture the opportunity afforded by the delivery of Sydney Metro West. 

The draft Burwood North Precinct Masterplan provides a framework that articulates a clear vision to guide the future urban renewal of the Precinct to deliver a people focused place, one that results in the creation of a liveable, vibrant, sustainable and well planned place that delivers community benefit, supports the delivery of investment and jobs and is a vibrant place for our existing and future communities.

Visit Participate Burwood for more information.

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We value your feedback

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 1st Stage Community Engagement for planning for the Burwood North Precinct. This focused on the proposed principles to guide the future desired character of the Burwood North Precinct.

Council has now endorsed the draft Burwood North Precinct Masterplan for the purposes of seeking the community’s feedback and we will be commencing the 2nd Stage Community Engagement phase in mid-October 2023.

How can you have your say?

We will shortly be engaging on the draft Burwood North Precinct Masterplan commencing from mid-October 2023. Subscribe here for updates: https://participate.burwood.nsw.gov.au/burwood-north-precinct-masterplan

Where can you find more information?

The best place to stay up to date on what is happening and how to be involved is the Burwood North Precinct Masterplan page on  Participate Burwood.

We will use the Burwood North Precinct Masterplan project page on Participate Burwood to:

  • publish documents
  • answer frequently asked questions
  • display the project timeline
  • interactive tools to provide your feedback
  • how to contact us


We have engaged an independent probity advisor to provide oversight. The probity plan will ensure that a rigorous governance framework and transparent processes are applied to the project. A copy of the Probity Plan is published on Participate Burwood.